Frequently Asked Questions
1What is The Keto Diet?
The ketogenic diet is a way of eating, in which you drastically limit carbs to 20 g net carbs per day while eating sufficient protein and fat. This will soon put your body in ketosis, i.e. you will burn fat for energy instead of relying on glucose. The keto diet has a number of health benefits and is one of the best weight loss diets out there – it is simple, sustainable and enjoyable, at the same time allowing you to stay alert without feeling constantly hungry. Of course, many people do keto for other reasons than for weight loss, such as increased energy, improved blood sugar control, type 2 diabetes management, and more.
2Can I cheat on my diet plan?
The idea is to get into ketosis, if cheating occurs the process of getting into ketosis will be hampered and therefore delayed.
3Can I Drink Alcohol on Keto?
Yes. High-carb drinks are a no-no (such as cocktails, sweet wines, and most beers, for example) but as long as you stick to pure liquor or dry wines, you can definitely enjoy a glass or two.
Many people notice they get drunk much quicker on keto, so keep that in mind, and go slow. Moreover, alcohol has calories and your body needs to burn it before everything else, so make sure to track it, if your goal is weight loss.
Many people notice they get drunk much quicker on keto, so keep that in mind, and go slow. Moreover, alcohol has calories and your body needs to burn it before everything else, so make sure to track it, if your goal is weight loss.
4Do I Need to Track Calories and Macros on The Keto Diet?
Yes and that’s what we do for you. With your details we calculate your caloric intake and do the macros calculation to ensure that you get the right amount of combination of fat, protein and carb to reach your desired goal.
5Is Ketosis Safe and Healthy?
Yes. The keto diet is absolutely safe for the general population and has numerous health benefits.
It can be used to manage different types of diseases and conditions, such as epilepsy (its original use), PCOS, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and more.
With that being said, if you have a specific health concern that makes you think you won’t do so well on keto, your best bet is to speak to a healthcare practitioner.
Beware that many doctors are not well aware of what keto is and how it works, so you should try to find someone in your area who has some experience with keto and low-carb, or at least is open to them.
In contrast, ketoacidosis occurs when the body thinks that it is starving and starts breaking down fats and proteins too quickly. It is a potential complication of type 1 diabetes.
It can be used to manage different types of diseases and conditions, such as epilepsy (its original use), PCOS, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and more.
With that being said, if you have a specific health concern that makes you think you won’t do so well on keto, your best bet is to speak to a healthcare practitioner.
Beware that many doctors are not well aware of what keto is and how it works, so you should try to find someone in your area who has some experience with keto and low-carb, or at least is open to them.
In contrast, ketoacidosis occurs when the body thinks that it is starving and starts breaking down fats and proteins too quickly. It is a potential complication of type 1 diabetes.
6Isn’t All This Fat Unhealthy?
In short, no. You’ll likely be consuming more fat than before, however fat as such should not be feared, and saturated fat actually has its place in a heart-healthy diet.
You should avoid fats that are highly processed, such as canola oil or soybean oil, as well as trans-fats.
If you stick to the fat from meat and eggs, as well as to other types of healthy fats, such as avocado oil, coconut oil, ghee, butter and olive oil, you have nothing to be afraid of.
As for cholesterol, the link between dietary cholesterol and cholesterol in your blood has long been disproven – most of the cholesterol in your body is actually produced by it, and not absorbed from food.
You should avoid fats that are highly processed, such as canola oil or soybean oil, as well as trans-fats.
If you stick to the fat from meat and eggs, as well as to other types of healthy fats, such as avocado oil, coconut oil, ghee, butter and olive oil, you have nothing to be afraid of.
As for cholesterol, the link between dietary cholesterol and cholesterol in your blood has long been disproven – most of the cholesterol in your body is actually produced by it, and not absorbed from food.
7I’m Vegan / Vegetarian. Can I Still Do Keto?
Definitely. While one of the main staples of the keto diet is meat, there are plenty of alternatives that you could use to make it work for you if you’re vegan or vegetarian. Currently we don’t have a vegan keto plan available.
8What Are The Health Benefits of Keto Diet?
There are quite a few benefits, actually! Some of them are:
- better control of your blood sugar levels
- increased insulin sensitivity
- successful management of a number of health conditions, such as epilepsy, PCOS, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome
- a lowered risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and a number of brain disorders
- lowered blood pressure
- effective tool for weight loss
9I Started Doing Keto a Few Days Ago. Why Am I Suddenly Feeling So Weak and Tired?
You’re having the keto flu. This isn’t unusual, especially if this is your first time doing keto, and it will pass in a couple of days.
Your body is adapting to using fat for fuel instead of carbs, which is a huge change, so you should just give it time, make sure you’re staying hydrated, and that your electrolytes are in check.
The keto flu is the first part of a longer process commonly referred to as “fat adaptation”, in which your body switches gears and becomes fully efficient in using fat as its primary fuel source. The keto flu, however, usually lasts much less, around 2-3 days to a week. Our Platinum packages include sugar free electrolyte.
Your body is adapting to using fat for fuel instead of carbs, which is a huge change, so you should just give it time, make sure you’re staying hydrated, and that your electrolytes are in check.
The keto flu is the first part of a longer process commonly referred to as “fat adaptation”, in which your body switches gears and becomes fully efficient in using fat as its primary fuel source. The keto flu, however, usually lasts much less, around 2-3 days to a week. Our Platinum packages include sugar free electrolyte.
10How Long Does It Take To Get Into Ketosis?
It usually takes anywhere between 7-90 days to get fully into ketosis, depending on your activity level and metabolism.
11How Do I Know If I’m In Ketosis? Do I Need To Measure Ketones?
You don’t need to measure ketones, but some people do. Here are some of the signs that you’re in ketosis:
- losing a lot of water weight within 7days – 2 to 3 KGs are normal
- increased or decreased energy
- lower appetite
- A sweet or metallic taste in your mouth or a fruity keto breath.
12Do I Need To Exercise on Keto?
You don't need to exercise on keto but you will want to. Because it will accelerate weight loss (if that's your goal) and improve your overall health.
13Will I Lose Muscle Mass On Keto? Can I Build More Muscle On Keto?
If you’re eating sufficient protein, you will not be losing muscle mass – in fact, keto is muscle sparing. Additionally, you can also gain muscle (given that you’re doing some kind of resistance training and eating enough).
Keep in mind that losing weight and building muscle at the same time is difficult, although certainly possible, especially for people who are new to working out.
Keep in mind that losing weight and building muscle at the same time is difficult, although certainly possible, especially for people who are new to working out.
14Will My Athletic Performance Suffer If I Start Keto?
In the beginning, it might, yes. During the adaptation phase, many people experience a decrease in performance, be it in their endurance, strength or explosive force.
This will disappear with time, given that you give your body enough time to adapt and that you’re supplementing the necessary electrolytes (they’re essential for everyone, but even more so for highly active people).
This will disappear with time, given that you give your body enough time to adapt and that you’re supplementing the necessary electrolytes (they’re essential for everyone, but even more so for highly active people).
15Do I Need Any Supplements For Keto?
You need to supplement electrolytes. You also need to make sure you’re getting enough potassium from your food.
Apart from that, many people decide to supplement with MCT oil or powder, creatine, fish oil, and more. These supplements aren’t essential by any means, but some of them might be beneficial for you.
Apart from that, many people decide to supplement with MCT oil or powder, creatine, fish oil, and more. These supplements aren’t essential by any means, but some of them might be beneficial for you.
16I’m Craving Sweets, What Should I Do?
This is completely normal and many people go through a period where they crave carbs. This will go away with time, so the most important thing is just to be patient.
There are a few things you can do if you’re craving carbs, such as:
There are a few things you can do if you’re craving carbs, such as:
- stay well hydrated
- eat until satiety the first couple of days on keto
- Make yourself a keto dessert.
17Can I Do Keto Long Term?
Yes, and many people do that. If you feel your best on keto, just stick to it.
18If I Stop Doing Keto, Will I Gain All The Weight Back?
No, given that you don’t go back to the unhealthy habits that made you gain the weight in the first place.
You should not see keto as some sort of quick fix, or a diet that you do for 2-3 months and then forget about it.
Even if you decide to adapt a more liberal approach to carbs once you reach your goal weight, you should make sure that you’re able to stick to eating healthy and to not to overeat on a regular basis.
In order to keep the weight off, you need to make sure you have actually changed your lifestyle and not just “gone on a diet” to then go back to eating junk food.
If you decide to reintroduce carbs after reaching your goal weight, we recommend doing it slowly and keeping an eye on how your body reacts to them; there are plenty of other alternative solutions that are less restrictive, such as low-carb, paleo, primal diets and more.
If you decide to no longer be on keto, you’ll gain some water weight back (usually between 5 to 10 pounds) – this isn’t fat and you have nothing to be afraid of. If you want to keep the fat away, you need to be reasonable and keep your calories in check.
You should not see keto as some sort of quick fix, or a diet that you do for 2-3 months and then forget about it.
Even if you decide to adapt a more liberal approach to carbs once you reach your goal weight, you should make sure that you’re able to stick to eating healthy and to not to overeat on a regular basis.
In order to keep the weight off, you need to make sure you have actually changed your lifestyle and not just “gone on a diet” to then go back to eating junk food.
If you decide to reintroduce carbs after reaching your goal weight, we recommend doing it slowly and keeping an eye on how your body reacts to them; there are plenty of other alternative solutions that are less restrictive, such as low-carb, paleo, primal diets and more.
If you decide to no longer be on keto, you’ll gain some water weight back (usually between 5 to 10 pounds) – this isn’t fat and you have nothing to be afraid of. If you want to keep the fat away, you need to be reasonable and keep your calories in check.
19What Else Can I Do To Improve My Health, Together With Keto?
There are a number of things you can do to improve your health, and you can combine them with keto very successfully. Here are some ideas:
- Exercise: resistance training, cardio, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), or a combination of those. Find a sport that you like and that you could stick to in the long run. Exercise should be fun and not feel like a chore, and consistency is key.
- Be active in your day-to-day life: walk more, find a hobby that has a physical element to it, and take the stairs instead of the elevator… There are plenty of ways to sneak in some physical activity into your life.
- Make sure you’re sleeping enough and getting enough rest: exercise and diet are very important, but if you’re not sleeping enough, your results will suffer. As for rest, if you’re very physically active, make sure your body is getting enough time to recover. Hitting the gym every day of the week might lead to exhaustion and trauma. Get at least 1 or 2 rest days per week.
- Intermittent fasting (IF): IF is an excellent strategy for weight loss and for improving your general health. For more information on how to fast, check out our article on how to do intermittent fasting on keto.